How to create a newsletter campaign and send emails?

In this tutorial we will explain you: how to send a campaign as a newsletter to my prospects.

First locate the tool for the campaigns and open it, you should see the dashboard of the tool like this:

Before sending a campaign make sure to create a template, a list with minimum one contact and have a sender connected in the “senders” section.

Then click on the button “campaigns”, then “create a new campaign”.

Once you have done this a popup will be displayed.

Select to create a instant campaign, at the left.

This will open this popup.

On the popup you can configure everything such as your list, your sender, the delay between each email and also the timezone.

On the table you can select to send from Monday to Friday during specific hours.

Click on the button at the bottom of the popup to save the campaign configuration.

Once you are back to the dashboard don’t forget to click on “start the campaign” to make it run. Wait a few minutes and your campaign should start.

You can click on view statistics to get a detailed report of your campaign.

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