🎙️ Interview with Jeff Dwoskin from Social Stampede

Jeff Dwoskin, the host of the Jeff Dwoskin Show and the founder of Stampede Social, joined us for an insightful conversation about his innovative platform. Here’s a breakdown of what we discussed:

🌟 Solving Content Distribution Challenges on Instagram

Jeff began by explaining the purpose of Stampede Social. If you’re a content creator, podcaster, author, or coach looking to reach your audience on Instagram, you’ve likely encountered some limitations. Stampede Social addresses these issues by streamlining campaigns, making them easier to measure and manage.

⚡ Quick and Efficient Fan Engagement

One of the key features of Stampede Social is its ability to rapidly deliver content to your fans. By setting up a campaign and prompting users to comment, they receive an automated direct message (DM) containing a trackable link to your content. This process not only ensures speedy access but also provides valuable insights into your most engaged fans and popular content.

🔗 Versatile Link Options

Jeff illustrated this with an example: a user could post an image and invite followers to comment with a specific hashtag (e.g., #stampede) to receive a link to a podcast episode. The destination of the link (e.g., Spotify, Apple Podcasts, website) is customizable, offering a seamless experience for the audience.

🔄 Multiple Campaigns, Multiple Links

With Stampede Social, you’re not limited to a single campaign. Each hashtag can have its own unique link, providing flexibility in directing your audience to various platforms or content pieces.

👥 Nurturing Engaged Fans

Identifying your most engaged followers is invaluable. It allows you to reciprocate their support by engaging with their content, creating a more meaningful connection. For more sales-oriented endeavors, engaged fans become valuable leads that can be followed up with personalized messages.

🚀 Elevating Your Social Strategy

Jeff emphasized that Stampede Social complements Instagram’s capabilities, enhancing your outreach efforts. The platform offers tools powered by AI to streamline responses and provide analytical reports for smarter engagement strategies.

👤 Team Collaboration Made Easy

Stampede Social facilitates team collaboration by allowing you to grant access to virtual assistants without sharing sensitive account credentials. This feature simplifies content management and campaign execution.

🌐 Marketing Strategies for Stampede Social

Jeff shared insights into marketing strategies for Stampede Social. These include appearing as a guest on podcasts, leveraging Facebook and Instagram advertising, and reaching out to influencers to expand brand awareness.

🎤 Jeff’s Stand-Up Comedy Journey

Jeff also discussed his 20-year journey in stand-up comedy. He highlighted the learning curve, emphasizing that bombing on stage is a natural part of the process. It’s through these experiences that comedians grow and refine their craft.

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