Discover How to Supercharge Contractor Leads in No Time with ChatGPT!

Table of Contents

In today’s session, I’m going to walk you through how I create an entire lead funnel for building contractors using Chat GPT. It’s going to be a game-changer, here is why:

  • I create a landing page using great sales copy
  • I create a sales video in 30 minutes total

All Sales Copy Is Done By ChatGPT in Less Than a Minute

  • Then I gather 5000 Email addresses in under 24 hours
  • Finally I Use ChatGTP to write a 4 Part Cold Email Sequence

Step 1: Crafting Compelling Value Propositions

  • Enter prompt into ChatGPT
  • Generating 20 Value Propositions
  • Selecting the Standout Proposition
  • Solving the Issue of Unpredictable Revenue Cycles
ChatGPT Prompt 1 - Contractor Funnel
ChatGPT – Output 1

"Yes, I understand. As a company that provides lead generation for contractors and tradespeople, your primary objective is to identify potential customers (leads) who are interested in the services offered by these professionals. By connecting these leads with contractors or tradespeople, your company facilitates the process of acquiring new business opportunities for them. Lead generation typically involves using various marketing strategies and channels to attract and capture potential customers' interest in the services offered by your clients.."

ChatGPT Prompt 2 - Contractor Funnel
ChatGPT Output – 2 – Value Proposition
  1. Are you tired of spending countless hours searching for new clients? Our lead generation services connect you with potential customers actively seeking your trade expertise.

  2. Maximize your business growth with a steady stream of high-quality leads tailored to your contracting services.

  3. Say goodbye to unpredictable revenue cycles – our lead generation solutions ensure a consistent flow of qualified prospects for your trades business.

  4. Gain a competitive edge in the market by accessing exclusive and pre-screened leads in your target industry.

  5. Focus on what you do best – delivering exceptional services to your clients – while we handle lead generation to keep your pipeline full.

  6. Our data-driven approach identifies your ideal customers, providing leads that align perfectly with your trades business offerings.

  7. Experience reduced downtime and increased productivity as our lead generation strategies streamline your customer acquisition process.

  8. Stand out from the competition with personalized lead generation campaigns that highlight your unique strengths as a contractor.

  9. Increase your conversion rates and boost ROI through our optimized lead generation tactics designed for contractors and tradespeople.

  10. Enjoy the convenience of a hassle-free lead generation service that delivers qualified prospects directly to your inbox.

  11. Say hello to targeted marketing efforts – our lead generation expertise ensures you only receive leads relevant to your specific trade niche.

  12. Unlock untapped potential with our cutting-edge lead generation technology, delivering real-time opportunities to grow your business.

  13. Leave uncertainty behind – our lead generation services give you the confidence to plan for sustainable business expansion.

  14. Our lead generation process is designed to align with your budget, offering cost-effective solutions to fuel your business growth.

  15. Join a community of successful contractors who trust our lead generation services to drive their businesses forward.

  16. Tap into new markets and expand your customer base with our comprehensive lead generation strategies.

  17. Optimize your sales funnel with our expertly curated leads, ensuring every opportunity is valuable and conversion-ready.

  18. Experience higher conversion rates with warm leads, as our strategies nurture prospects before passing them on to you.

  19. Get ahead of the curve with our data-driven insights that help you anticipate customer needs and preferences.

  20. Partner with the industry’s leading lead generation provider to position your business as the preferred choice for customers seeking contractor and trades services.

Step 2: Persuasive Sales Copy for the Landing Page

  • Utilizing Unicode for Emphasis
  • Objective: Encouraging Contractors to Book a Zoom Call
  • Inspiration from Great Copywriters like Dan Kennedy
ChatGPT Prompt 3 - Landing Page Sales Copy
ChatGPT Output – 3 – Landing Page Sales Copy

🚀🚀 Ready to Take Your Contracting Business to New Heights? 🚀🚀

Are you tired of playing the waiting game in your contracting business? Have unpredictable revenue cycles left you feeling frustrated and anxious? It’s time to say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to a game-changing solution that will transform your lead generation game!

🎯 Introducing [Your Company Name]’s Lead Generation Powerhouse! 🎯

We know the challenges you face in the competitive world of contracting. That’s why we’ve crafted a lead generation service specifically designed to fuel your business growth and success. 📈📈

🎁 Here’s what’s in store for you: 🎁

💎 A Steady Stream of High-Quality Leads: No more wasting precious hours searching for potential clients. Our lead generation powerhouse delivers a continuous flow of top-tier prospects directly to your doorstep.💎

💎 Consistency that Breeds Confidence: Embrace a consistent lead flow, allowing you to plan for success with unwavering certainty. Leave the roller-coaster revenue cycles behind and embrace stability.💎

💎 Exclusive and Pre-Screened Leads: Gain the upper hand in the market with leads tailored exclusively for your contracting services. Our thorough screening process ensures you only get the most promising opportunities.💎

💎 Personalized Strategies for YOUR Business: We understand that every contractor is unique, and so are their needs. Our lead generation tactics are tailor-made to align perfectly with your business objectives.💎

💎 Unleash Productivity and Ditch Downtime: Say goodbye to downtime and inefficiency. Our lead generation powerhouse streamlines your customer acquisition process, giving you more time to focus on delivering exceptional services.💎

📞📞 Take Action NOW! Book Your Zoom Call Today! 📞📞

Don’t let your contracting business fall behind the pack. It’s time to rise above the competition and dominate your industry. Let’s discuss your lead generation needs in a personal Zoom call, where we’ll map out the perfect strategy to take your business to the next level.

👉👉 Click the “Book Now” button below and secure your spot on our busy calendar. Spaces are limited, so act fast!👈👈

🌟🌟 Join the Ranks of Thriving Contractors Who Trust [Your Company Name] for Unrivaled Lead Generation! 🌟🌟

Unlock the potential of your business with a lead generation service that’s second to none. Join our community of successful contractors who have experienced transformative growth with our game-changing strategies.

🔥🔥 Don’t Wait! Book Your Zoom Call NOW and Ignite Your Business Success! 🔥🔥

Step 3: Creating an Impactful Sales Video Script

  • Addressing Contractors’ Problems
  • Instilling Excitement and Urgency
  • Highlighting the (fictional) Lead Generation Company Results
ChatGPT Output – 4 – Video Sales Letter Script Using ChatGPT

Part 1 — Open With a Shocking Statement:

[Video starts with attention-grabbing visuals and music]

Narrator (N): Are you tired of working tirelessly as a contractor, only to struggle with unpredictable revenue and a dwindling customer base?

Part 2 — State the Problem and WHY It’s a Big Deal:

N: Let’s face it – the contracting industry is fierce, and standing out from the competition is becoming nearly impossible. With a lack of high-quality leads and inconsistent cash flow, it’s no wonder many contractors find themselves on the brink of frustration and burnout.

Part 3 — Agitate the Problem:

[Show visuals of contractors looking stressed and overwhelmed]

N: Picture this: endless hours spent searching for potential clients, only to end up with leads that waste your time and go nowhere. Imagine the stress of never knowing when your next project will come in, leaving you anxious about the future of your business. It’s a reality that many contractors face daily, and it’s time to put an end to this exhausting cycle.

Part 4 — Make It Even Worse For Them (PUSH IT Over The Line):

[Increase intensity of visuals and music]

N: But wait, it gets even worse. Every day that passes without a reliable solution, you’re losing valuable opportunities and revenue to your competitors. Your dreams of expanding your business and providing a better life for your loved ones are slipping through your fingers.

Part 5 — Introduce The Solution:

[Music transitions to uplifting and optimistic tone]

N: Fortunately, there’s a game-changing solution that will revolutionize your lead generation and transform your contracting business forever.

Part 6 — Credibility: Why They Should Listen To You:

[Show images of happy contractors and testimonials]

N: Hi, I’m [Your Name], founder of [Your Company Name], and for over a decade, I’ve been at the forefront of the lead generation industry, helping countless contractors like you to reach new heights of success. My expertise and proven strategies have made me a trusted name in the business.

Part 7 — Proof:

[Show statistics and data demonstrating the success of your lead generation service]

N: Our lead generation powerhouse has generated a staggering 300% increase in qualified leads for contractors just like you, resulting in an average revenue boost of over 40% within the first six months.

Part 8 — Exactly What You Get:

[Break down the components of your lead generation service]

N: When you join us, you’ll gain access to a flood of high-quality leads, tailored exclusively for your contracting services. Our cutting-edge technology ensures you receive prospects that are ready to engage with you. No more wasting time on dead-end leads.

Part 9 — Specific Reasons To Act Now:

N: But here’s the catch – this opportunity won’t last forever. We have limited spaces available, and once they’re filled, we’ll be closing the doors for new clients for the foreseeable future. By acting now, you secure your spot in our exclusive roster of thriving contractors.

Part 10 — The Close:

N: So, are you ready to say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to a future filled with unlimited potential? Don’t let this chance slip away. Click the link below and book your Zoom call with us today. Let’s discuss your lead generation needs and map out a tailor-made strategy for your business success.

[Call-to-action button appears on the screen]

N: Click the button now and take the first step towards securing your legacy as a contractor. Join our community of successful contractors who trust [Your Company Name] for unparalleled lead generation.

[Music reaches a crescendo as the video ends with a strong call-to-action]

View The Completed Video Sales Letter

NOTE: This IS For A Fictional Product

View The Completed Sales Page Here

Scraping 5000 Contractor Emails In 24 Hours

Data Gathering Strategies:

  • Employed B2B data extractor and Google My Business scraper.
  • Extracted 74,000 records of U.S. small-sized building contractors.
  • Combined contractor email addresses, Instagram, and LinkedIn profiles for comprehensive targeting.

Cold Email Sequence Creation:

  • Developed a sequence to encourage contractors to book Zoom web meetings.
  • Leveraged email signatures to include the link for professional and non-spammy communication.
ChatGPT Output - 5 - 4 Part Email Sequence

Don’t Underestimate Phone Numbers:

  • Recognize the importance of phone numbers for direct and effective communication with contractors.

Setting Up the Email Campaign:

  • Created a new campaign with the contractor email list.
  • Added follow-up emails to engage contractors further.
  • Set time zone, days, and times for optimized email delivery.

A Word of Advice:

  • Encourage testing of the email campaign before launch for optimal results.
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