Eric Eden, Bridget Hom, and Charisse Walker

1. Eric Eden: Revolutionizing Social Media with Workverse

🎤 Meet Eric Eden: LinkedIn | Instagram | Workverse

🌐 About Eric: A seasoned CMO with a rich history in tech, Eric is now spearheading Workverse, a groundbreaking platform aiming to redefine the social media landscape.

The Dot-Com Boom Days: A Journey in Tech

Eric shared his journey from the early days of the dot-com boom, where skepticism surrounded the potential of the internet. Despite the ups and downs, Eric’s career evolved through domains, website hosting, e-commerce, and SaaS software.

Enter Workverse: A Next-Gen Social Media Solution

Motivated by the pitfalls of current social media platforms, Eric founded Workverse to create a better business networking app. Focused on eliminating spam, fraud, and privacy concerns, Workverse is designed to offer a superior user experience. 🌐

Subscription Model and Verified Identities

Differentiating itself from platforms like LinkedIn, Workverse adopts a subscription model, minimizing reliance on advertising. Moreover, the platform verifies the identity of its users, ensuring a secure and trustworthy networking environment.

Monetizing Time: The Expert Network

Workverse introduces a unique approach to monetization, allowing users to be compensated for their time. Whether it’s expert advice sessions or hiring speakers and advisors, Workverse envisions a space where professionals are duly rewarded for their contributions.

2. Bridget Hom: Empowering Entrepreneurs and Flipping the Iceberg

🎤 Meet Bridget Hom: LinkedIn | Facebook | Website

🌐 About Bridget: An empowerment coach and speaker, Bridget guides entrepreneurs through personal and business transformations, helping them overcome challenges and achieve success.

Evolution in 2020: A Year of Reinvention

Bridget embarked on a transformative journey in 2020, navigating personal challenges and evolving her coaching practice. Her focus shifted to empowering entrepreneurs, especially those struggling with aligning personal and professional goals.

Stuck on Ready: Motivational Coaching and Training

Bridget’s “Stuck on Ready” program and motivational speaking engagements aim to equip individuals with the mindset and skills needed for success. Bridget emphasizes the importance of relatability and value-based content in building authentic connections.

90-Day Find Your Freedom Program

Bridget offers a comprehensive program designed to guide entrepreneurs through a 90-day journey. This program focuses on sales, branding, marketing, and mindset, empowering individuals to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

3. Charisse Walker: From Trauma to Triumph with 10X Stages Agency

🎤 Meet Charisse Walker: Website | 10X Stages Agency

🌐 About Charisse: A motivational speaker and author, Charisse empowers individuals to create financial freedom and triumph over trauma through her “Fly Free as a Retiree” method.

Fly Free as a Retiree: Passive Income through Real Estate

Charisse’s 10X Stages Agency focuses on helping individuals achieve financial freedom through passive income, particularly in real estate. She offers webinars and personalized calls to guide people through the process, regardless of their financial situation.

Triumph Over Trauma: “Flipping the Iceberg” Book

Charisse’s upcoming book, “Flipping the Iceberg,” delves into the depths of trauma and healing. Drawing from personal experiences, she aims to guide individuals toward triumph over trauma, fostering healthier relationships and preventing unnecessary divorces.

Book a Call: Personalized Guidance

For those interested in Charisse’s programs or seeking guidance, a 30-minute free call is available. Charisse emphasizes the importance of mindset healing to pave the way for financial success.

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