Build An Insurance Lead Funnel In 50 Minutes With ChatGPT

In today’s session, I’m going to walk you through how I create an entire lead funnel for insurance agents, using Chat GPT. It’s going to be a game-changer, here is why:

  • I create a landing page using great sales copy
  • I create a sales video in 30 minutes total

All Sales Copy Is Done By ChatGPT in Less Than a Minute

  • Then I gather 5000 Email addresses in under 24 hours
  • Finally I Use ChatGTP to write a 4 Part Cold Email Sequence

Table of Contents

Step 1: Crafting Compelling Value Propositions

  • Enter prompt into ChatGPT
  • Generating 20 Value Propositions
  • Selecting the Standout Proposition
  • Solving the Issue of Unpredictable Revenue Cycles
ChatGPT Prompt 1 - Insurance Funnel
ChatGPT – Output 1

"Yes, I understand. As a company providing lead generation services for insurance agents, your primary goal is to identify potential customers (leads) who might be interested in purchasing insurance products. These leads can be individuals or businesses seeking insurance coverage, and your company aims to connect them with insurance agents who can offer suitable policies and services to meet their needs. Lead generation helps insurance agents expand their client base and increase their sales opportunities. If you have any specific questions or need assistance related to your company's lead generation efforts, feel free to ask."

ChatGPT Prompt 2 - Insurance Funnel
ChatGPT Output – 2 – Value Proposition
    1. “Solve the struggle of finding potential clients. Our lead generation service connects insurance agents with qualified prospects seeking insurance coverage.”
    2. “Increase your sales pipeline with pre-qualified leads, allowing insurance agents to focus on closing deals rather than prospecting.”
    3. “Maximize your ROI with targeted lead generation that ensures your marketing efforts reach the right audience.”
    4. “Say goodbye to cold calling. Our lead generation service provides warm leads interested in insurance products.”
    5. “Accelerate your business growth by accessing a steady stream of high-quality leads on a consistent basis.”
    6. “Personalized lead generation strategies tailored to your insurance niche, ensuring your services align perfectly with your clients’ needs.”
    7. “Minimize wasted time and effort with exclusive leads, reducing competition and increasing your chances of conversion.”
    8. “Stay ahead of the competition with our cutting-edge lead generation techniques and data-driven insights.”
    9. “Boost your client retention rates by reaching out to customers who are actively seeking insurance solutions.”
    10. “Leverage our extensive network to expand your customer base and establish a strong market presence.”
    11. “Focus on selling while we handle lead generation. Our service allows insurance agents to be more efficient and productive.”
    12. “Enjoy a predictable flow of leads, enabling insurance agents to plan and execute their sales strategies more effectively.”
    13. “Save on marketing expenses by investing in a lead generation service that delivers a higher return on investment.”
    14. “Build trust and credibility with customers through our authentic lead generation approach, generating leads genuinely interested in your insurance offerings.”
    15. “Stay updated on market trends and customer preferences through our data analysis, helping you tailor your insurance products to meet evolving demands.”
    16. “Benefit from real-time lead tracking and reporting, empowering insurance agents to make data-driven decisions and optimize their sales processes.”
    17. “Our lead generation service ensures compliance with industry regulations, giving insurance agents peace of mind and protection from legal risks.”
    18. “Never miss out on potential customers again. We deliver timely leads, so you can capitalize on opportunities immediately.”
    19. “Customizable lead generation packages that adapt to your business goals and budget, ensuring you get the most value out of our services.”
    20. “Become the go-to insurance provider in your target market with our lead generation service, positioning you as the preferred choice among potential clients.”

Step 2: Persuasive Sales Copy for the Landing Page

  • Utilizing Unicode for Emphasis
  • Objective: Encouraging Insurance Agents to Book a Zoom Call
  • Inspiration from Great Copywriters like Dan Kennedy
ChatGPT Prompt 3 - Landing Page Sales Copy
ChatGPT Output – 3 – Landing Page Sales Copy

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Introducing Your Lead Generation Breakthrough! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Are you tired of struggling to find qualified prospects for your insurance business? πŸ€”

πŸš€ Don’t let prospecting drain your time and energy anymore! πŸš€

Discover a game-changing solution that will revolutionize the way you do business! πŸ’ΌπŸ’°

🎯 Welcome to our exclusive Lead Generation Service, designed exclusively for savvy Insurance Agents like you! 🎯

πŸ”‘ Unlock the potential of a steady stream of pre-qualified leads, perfectly matched to your insurance niche. 🌟

πŸ” We take the guesswork out of lead generation and hand-pick only the most promising prospects who are actively seeking insurance coverage. πŸ’‘

πŸ’Έ No more wasted marketing dollars on unresponsive leads! πŸ’Έ

With our cutting-edge techniques and data-driven insights, you’ll experience ROI like never before! πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅

πŸ”₯ Imagine spending more time closing deals and less time chasing leads! πŸ”₯

πŸ“ˆ Witness a rapid increase in your sales pipeline, creating boundless opportunities for exponential growth. πŸ“ˆ

🎁 Our value proposition is simple: Say goodbye to cold calling and hello to warm, receptive leads! πŸ“žβœ¨

πŸš€ Skyrocket your business by leveraging our extensive network of potential customers, expanding your reach far beyond your competition. πŸŒπŸš€

πŸ”’ Your success is our priority, and our authentic approach ensures that every lead is genuinely interested in your insurance offerings. πŸ”’

πŸ“ˆ Get ready to elevate your reputation and credibility as the preferred insurance provider in your target market! πŸ†

Don’t let your competitors seize this opportunity before you do! ⏳

πŸ’» Book your exclusive Zoom call now, and let’s discuss how our lead generation service can take your insurance business to new heights! πŸ“†πŸŽ‰

πŸ’‘ Unleash the power of our Lead Generation Breakthrough today! πŸ’‘

πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Click below to secure your spot on our calendar! πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

Step 3: Creating an Impactful Sales Video Script

  • Addressing Insurance Agents’ Problems
  • Instilling Excitement and Urgency
  • Highlighting the (fictional) Lead Generation Company Results
ChatGPT Prompt 3 - Video Sales Letter Copy
ChatGPT Output – 4 – Video Sales Letter Script Using ChatGPT

Part 1 β€” Open With a Shocking Statement

[Scene opens with a captivating animation and bold text]

Narrator (Voiceover): “Attention all Insurance Agents! Are you tired of chasing after cold leads and struggling to grow your business?”

Part 2 β€” State the Problem and WHY It’s a Big Deal

[Show images of frustrated insurance agents trying to make phone calls and receiving rejection after rejection]

Narrator (Voiceover): “The problem is, traditional lead generation methods are eating up your time, energy, and resources, without delivering the results you need to succeed.”

Part 3 β€” Agitate the Problem

[Increase intensity and urgency in the background music]

Narrator (Voiceover): “You can’t afford to waste another moment on dead-end leads! Your competition is closing deals left and right, leaving you struggling to keep up!”

Part 4 β€” Make It Even Worse For Them (PUSH IT Over The Line)

[Zoom in on an insurance agent’s face looking stressed and overwhelmed]

Narrator (Voiceover): “Imagine your revenue shrinking, your dreams slipping away, and your business fading into obscurity.”

[Screen darkens momentarily]

Narrator (Voiceover): “It’s time to break free from this vicious cycle!”

Part 5 β€” Introduce The Solution

[Light shines, and the screen brightens]

Narrator (Voiceover): “Introducing our revolutionary Lead Generation Service – the ultimate solution designed exclusively for ambitious Insurance Agents like you!”

Part 6 β€” Credibility: Why They Should Listen To You

[Show testimonials from satisfied insurance agents]

Satisfied Agent 1 (on-screen testimonial): “Thanks to this service, my client base has exploded, and my income has tripled!”

Satisfied Agent 2 (on-screen testimonial): “I can’t believe I didn’t discover this sooner! It’s a game-changer!”

Part 7 β€” Proof

[Show real-time lead tracking and reporting graphs]

Narrator (Voiceover): “Our cutting-edge lead generation techniques are backed by data-driven insights. See for yourself how our agents are dominating the market!”

Part 8 β€” Exactly What You Get

[Highlight the features of the service with animated bullet points]

Narrator (Voiceover): “With our Lead Generation Service, you get:

  • A steady stream of pre-qualified leads tailored to your insurance niche.
  • Exclusivity, ensuring you face less competition.
  • Access to a vast network of potential customers.
  • Personalized strategies that align perfectly with your goals.”

Part 9 β€” Specific Reasons To Act Now

[Use a countdown animation]

Narrator (Voiceover): “This opportunity won’t wait! The market is moving fast, and those who act now will reap the rewards.”

Part 10 β€” The Close

[Show a call-to-action button on the screen]

Narrator (Voiceover): “Don’t let success slip through your fingers! Book your exclusive Zoom call with our experts and discover how our Lead Generation Service can supercharge your insurance business!”

[Screen transitions to the company logo and contact information]

Narrator (Voiceover): “Join our growing community of thriving agents. Take control of your destiny. Act now!”

[Background music reaches its climax as the video ends]

[Video fades out]

View The Completed Video Sales Letter

NOTE: This IS For A Fictional Product

View The Completed Sales Page Here

Scraping 5000 Email Addresses In 24 Hours

Play Video

Data Gathering Strategies:

  • Employed B2B data Insurance Agent and Google My Business scraper.
  • Extracted 74,000 records of U.S. small-sized Insurance Agents.
  • Combined Insurance Agent email addresses, Instagram, and LinkedIn profiles for comprehensive targeting.

Cold Email Sequence Creation:

  • Developed a sequence to encourage Insurance Agents to book Zoom web meetings.
  • Leveraged email signatures to include the link for professional and non-spammy communication.
ChatGPT Output - 5 - 4 Part Email Sequence

Don’t Underestimate Phone Numbers:

  • Recognize the importance of phone numbers for direct and effective communication with Insurance Agents.

Setting Up the Email Campaign:

  • Created a new campaign with the Insurance Agent email list.
  • Added follow-up emails to engage Insurance Brokers further.
  • Set time zone, days, and times for optimized email delivery.

A Word of Advice:

  • Encourage testing of the email campaign before launch for optimal results.
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